A demand package will detail the financial, physical, and emotional hardships you faced as a result of your injury sustained in a car accident. A Bellevue personal injury attorney can help you understand everything about it.

The negligent party's insurer will get the demand package. This allows the insurance company to settle the claim without going to court. It is put together after a patient has finished receiving treatment and includes a letter detailing the costs of care as well as any relevant supporting documentation. 

In Washington, there are two common forms of damage award:

  • Indirect Costs
  • Losses in Kind
  • Medical expenses, 
  • travel expenses, and 
  • missed wages 

These are all examples of special damages because they can be easily quantified.

Since the value of general damages—also known as "pain and suffering"—is not as clearly defined as special damages, determining an appropriate award for them might be more of a challenge.

Washington lawyers will thoroughly investigate your general and special damages to ensure the insurance company has a complete picture of the risk involved in going to court. 

Why Is It Necessary to Submit a Request Form?

A demand package is used to try to settle a matter without going to court by providing evidence that the claimed damages are fair and appropriate given the circumstances of the car accident or other injuries.

Litigation is not always the best option because of the time and money it might take. An insurance company may be reluctant to go to court over a clearly justified claim if the demand package presented to them is poorly crafted.

Insurance companies, in the role of personal injury lawyers, research past arbitration and trial awards to predict possible settlement amounts. This gives them a better idea of whether or not going to court is preferable to settling the matter out of court.

Washington attorneys use their in-depth knowledge and experience to evaluate every case individually and provide you with the best guidance for your specific claim. 

Once the Demand Package Is Delivered, What Happens Next? 

Your attorney will allow you around thirty (30) days from the time they receive the demand package to analyze it, think of a counteroffer, and present it to you. Your lawyer will then present you with all acceptable offers. They will advise you whether to take the offer, make a counteroffer, or pursue legal action. The choice, though, is ultimately yours.